Australia offers various accommodation options for international students pursuing degrees in Australia. As soon as you get confirmation of admission in Australia, start looking for accommodation options that best suit your budget and needs. The accommodation cost may vary according to the accommodation mode, utilities, and place you plan to live. Australia offers both on-campus and off-campus accommodation to international students.

When searching for suitable accommodation options, several essential factors must be considered. Some factors to take into consideration are:

  • Budget and financial cost
  • Location and environment
  • Contract types and details
  • Proximity to the university
  • Safety and social opportunities

Most international students tend to reside on the university campus initially. As they become familiar with their new surroundings, make friends, and get to know the city well, they eventually move out and live in private accommodations.

accommodation options

On-campus accommodation options

If you’re an international student studying in Australia, on-campus accommodation could be a convenient choice. You’ll save time and effort commuting and enjoy peace of mind with safety facilities and practical amenities like food and laundry services at your fingertips. However, there’s a flip side to this coin. Living in on-campus accommodation means you’ll miss out on the thrill of living independently and developing a sense of independence. It’s also worth noting that the cost of on-campus accommodation can be higher due to the added facilities that come with it.

But fear not; many options are available to international students in Australia. From residential colleges that offer room cleaning services, access to tutors and libraries to halls of residence that provide a comfortable and safe environment near your university, and even student hostels that encourage social interaction and offer affordable accommodation with shared facilities like kitchens and bathrooms. So, take your time to explore the different options and find the perfect on-campus accommodation that meets your needs and budget. Then, you can enjoy a fulfilling student experience in Australia with the right choice.

The modes of on-campus accommodation are:

Residential colleges

A residential college is an on-campus accommodation option many Australian universities provide exclusively for their students. It offers a range of amenities such as meals, cleaning services, laundry facilities, Wi-Fi, and access to the university’s library and tutors. A residential college provides a structured living environment with clear rules and regulations, ensuring a safe and supportive community for all residents. It also offers opportunities to connect with other students, build lasting friendships, and engage in social and extracurricular activities.

Overall, residential colleges can be an excellent option for students looking for a convenient and supportive living environment that allows them to focus on their studies and make the most of their university experience.

Halls of residence

Halls of residence are on-campus residential facilities close to the many Australian universities, providing students with a safe and comfortable living environment. They offer a range of amenities such as shared kitchens, laundry facilities, Wi-Fi, and common areas for socialising and studying. The cost of living in halls of residence is generally reasonable, making it an attractive option for many students.

Living in halls of residence also provides an opportunity for international students to stay together and interact with each other, building lasting friendships and experiencing a sense of community. Additionally, residence halls often arrange community and sports events regularly, providing students with opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities and enhance their overall university experience.

Student hostels

Student hostels are a popular accommodation option for students looking for affordable living arrangements while studying at Australian universities. They provide basic amenities such as shared kitchens, bathrooms, and common areas for socialising and studying. In addition, students who live in hostels can interact with other students from diverse backgrounds, making it an ideal environment for those who want to broaden their horizons and learn from others.

However, it’s important to note that students living in hostels are usually subject to curfews, meaning they must return to the hostel by a specific time each night. In addition, students’ safety and security are prioritised in hostels, with staff often available 24/7 to respond to emergencies or concerns. Overall, student hostels provide a cost-effective option for students looking for a comfortable and safe place to live while studying.

Off-campus accommodation options

Off-campus accommodation allows international students to choose where they want to live with whom they want to share their space and within their budget. While living in the city can be more expensive, staying in the suburbs or outskirts can be cheaper. The advantage of off-campus accommodation is its flexibility in setting a budget and gaining the experience of living independently. Students also have more opportunities to explore and socialise outside of the university environment.

However, the downsides of this option include the extra time and effort required for commuting, arranging for food and other facilities, and the added challenge of finding a safe place to live.

Modes of accommodation under off-campus accommodation are:


Homestays are a popular accommodation option for international students in Australia. It involves living with a local family, who provide a private room and shared facilities like a bathroom and kitchen. Homestays can be arranged through agencies or directly contacting families interested in hosting international students. Homestay costs vary depending on the location, facilities and services provided.

Homestays offer a unique opportunity for international students to experience the local culture and lifestyle, learn about the country, and improve their language skills by interacting with native speakers. Additionally, it provides a safe and secure environment, as the host family is responsible for the student’s well-being. However, some international students may need help adjusting to the new environment, cultural differences, and host family rules.

Private rental

Private rental is another accommodation option for international students in Australia. It involves renting a house, apartment, or room from a private landlord or property manager. This option allows students to choose where they want to live and with whom they want to live. It also provides more independence and privacy than other accommodation options in Australia.

However, the costs can vary depending on the location and the type of rental, and there may be additional expenses, such as utilities and internet, that need to be factored in. Finding a suitable rental property may also require effort and time, including inspections and paperwork. Therefore, it is essential for students to thoroughly research and understand their rental agreement before signing a lease.

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