Knowing about Australian workplace culture will keep you safe and treated fairly during your working activities.

Australian Workplace Culture

Apart from the working culture of other countries, Australian workplace culture is considered more joyful and flexible unless you go beyond work ethics. Australian work culture blends a relaxed workplace atmosphere with a strong focus on hard work that will give productivity. The working week in Australia starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. One, after possessing a Student visa, can enter Australia 90 days before the course starts but is allowed to work once the course starts. Neither the spouse who had applied for dependent is allowed to work before the course starts, they are just allowed to travel.

Let’s have a closer look at Australian workplace culture:

  • Australian employers always give direct feedback. It doesn’t mean they are rude; instead, they believe in being diplomatic in their approach.
  • Punctuality is a must in Australian workplaces. Work needs to be started on time to give the best output, so they don’t sacrifice punctuality.
  • Professional presentation needs to be well delivered. In addition, personal appearance and hygiene must be well maintained in workplaces.
  • Hierarchical bias is not found in any industry. Everyone is treated equally. All work together and respect everyone’s role.
  • Aussies greatly value work-life balance. They prefer keeping work separate from their family lives.
  • Although we assume Australians are very laid back, they like to socialise, are hard-working and don’t say no to extra work.
  • Apart from other countries, businesses in Australia start early. However, starting early doesn’t mean they leave earlier. Instead, working hours are longer than in other countries.
  • Many Australian workplaces have no scheduled lunch breaks. Instead, the trend is to take lunch when it best suits them.
  • Congratulating on accomplishments and praising the strenuous working efforts is a widely spread nature of Australian workplaces.
  • In corporate and other sectors too, open communication is highly valued. It’s ok to ask questions; asking questions doesn’t make sense that you are weak among others, and it does not affect your professional career.
  • All Australian workplaces follow the rules regarding pay, termination, leave, overtime etc.

Minimum wages in Australia

The Fair Work Commission of Australia on every July reviews the minimum wages. As of July 2022, the national minimum wage is $21.38 per hour. No workplace in Australia would pay less than this. If found doing this, it is offensive and punishable.

Probation periods in Australia

Under Fair Work Commission, no act in Australia regarding probation periods exists. Generally, it is determined by the employers while doing the labour agreement. The actual probation period is three to six months, depending on the employer’s contract paper made for the employee. Firing anyone while on probation, an employer needs a valid reason for dismissal and must follow the necessary procedure before firing an employee.

Working hours for Australian Workplace

An employee can work up to 38 hours a week as per law. If the employer needs reasonable overtime, it can be done. International students under student visas can only work 20 hours a week while studying. But there is no working limit during holiday breaks and post-study. There is no working limit for those dependents whose partner is pursuing a Master’s or Doctorate degree.

Overtime in Australian Workplaces

If any employer needs you to do overtime beyond the working hours mentioned in the agreements, then the employer will need to pay you accordingly. It might vary from one workplace to another. If workplace needs and one doesn’t feel any risk to health and safety from working extra hours, then they can do overtime.

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