Venue Rental

In Kathmandu

“Get the best venue for your Meetings, Seminars and Events”

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Are you in search of the perfect venue for your upcoming event in Kathmandu? Look no further than Skills Academy Nepal, your premier destination for versatile and well-equipped event spaces. Whether you’re planning a corporate workshop, a training session, a seminar, a conference, or a social gathering, our venue rental services provide the ideal setting to make your event a resounding success.

Our Venue

At Skills Academy Nepal, we understand the significance of a suitable venue in ensuring the success of your event. That’s why we offer a range of spacious, comfortable, and fully equipped event spaces that cater to various needs and preferences.

Our venue options include

Ideal for workshops, training sessions, and small seminars. These spaces are equipped with projectors, whiteboards, and comfortable seating.
Conference Rooms
Perfect for corporate meetings, presentations, and board meetings. Our conference rooms are equipped with audio-visual facilities and ergonomic seating.
A large and versatile space suitable for conferences, seminars, and cultural events. The auditorium is equipped with professional sound and lighting systems.

Why Choose Skills Academy Nepal for Venue Rental?

Venue Rental Options
At Skills Academy Nepal, we offer a range of versatile and fully-equipped venue rental options to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re hosting workshops, seminars, meetings, or special events, our well-appointed spaces provide the ideal backdrop. Our venues are equipped with state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment, comfortable seating arrangements, and a professional ambiance to ensure your event runs seamlessly. With flexible booking options and customisable packages, Skills Academy Nepal is the perfect choice for hosting your next successful gathering or educational event in Kathmandu and for IELTS Preparation Classes.
Ideal Events for Each Venue
Skills Academy Nepal offers a range of versatile venue options, each tailored to suit specific types of events, with unique features and benefits:
Conference Hall
Our spacious conference hall is perfect for hosting large-scale seminars, conferences, and symposiums. With ample seating capacity, advanced audiovisual equipment, and ergonomic furnishings, it creates an ideal setting for knowledge-sharing events. The hall’s acoustics and lighting can be adjusted to cater to various presentation styles, ensuring your event’s success. Its central location within the academy makes it easily accessible for attendees.
Meeting Rooms
For more intimate gatherings, such as board meetings, small workshops, or job interviews, our meeting rooms are the ideal choice. These rooms offer a professional and focused environment, equipped with video conferencing facilities and high-speed internet. They are designed to enhance productivity and foster meaningful discussions, making them suitable for corporate events or collaborative sessions.
Training Rooms
Our training rooms are equipped with cutting-edge technology, making them perfect for educational workshops, language classes, or skill development programs. These rooms provide a comfortable and conducive environment for learning, featuring interactive whiteboards, high-quality projectors, and ergonomic seating. Skills Academy Nepal’s training rooms are designed to enhance the learning experience and can be customised to cater to various educational requirements.
Event Space
If you’re planning a more creative or social event, our event space offers a versatile and spacious environment. It’s perfect for art exhibitions, networking mixers, product launches, or cultural gatherings. The open layout and adaptable décor options make it suitable for a wide range of events, allowing you to create a unique atmosphere tailored to your specific needs.
Location Advantage
Skills Academy Nepal enjoys a strategic and highly accessible location in the bustling city of Kathmandu. Situated in the heart of the capital, our academy offers numerous advantages for those seeking a convenient venue for their events or educational needs.

First and foremost, our location is easily reachable for both local and international attendees. We are positioned in close proximity to Tribhuvan International Airport, making it extremely convenient for out-of-town guests to travel to our academy. This accessibility minimises travel time and ensures a hassle-free experience for participants arriving from various regions.

Moreover, Skills Academy Nepal benefits from its central location within Kathmandu. We are situated near major transportation hubs, including bus stops and taxi stands, making it simple for attendees to reach our venue by public or private transport. This central location also means that our academy is surrounded by a plethora of accommodation options, from hotels to guesthouses, ensuring that your attendees can easily find comfortable lodging nearby.
Affordable Pricing Packages
Skills Academy Nepal takes pride in offering competitive pricing packages designed to accommodate various event budgets, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of clients. We understand that affordability is a crucial factor when planning events or educational programs, and we are committed to providing value for your investment.

Our pricing packages are flexible and customisable to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re organising a small meeting, a large conference, or a multi-day workshop, we have options that can be tailored to your event’s requirements. We offer transparent pricing structures that include venue rental, access to state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, and additional services as needed, such as catering, technical support, and event coordination.
Furthermore, we provide different pricing tiers to suit different budget levels, making it possible for businesses, educational institutions, non-profit organisations, and individuals to find a package that aligns with their financial constraints. Our commitment to offering affordable options does not compromise the quality of our services or the professionalism of our facilities. At Skills Academy Nepal, you can expect exceptional value at a price that works for you, ensuring that your event or educational program is both successful and cost-effective.
Technical Support and Equipment
At Skills Academy Nepal, we prioritise the seamless execution of presentations, meetings, and events. To ensure your success, we offer comprehensive technical support and access to state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment that will elevate the quality of your gatherings.

Our facilities are equipped with cutting-edge audio-visual equipment, including high-definition projectors, large projection screens, and advanced sound systems. These resources are designed to enhance the clarity and impact of your presentations, making them more engaging and effective. Additionally, we provide high-speed internet connectivity, ensuring seamless online presentations and video conferencing.

With Skills Academy Nepal, you can be confident that your presentations and meetings will benefit from top-tier technical support and the latest AV technology, creating an environment conducive to successful communication and collaboration. Our commitment to ensuring your event’s technical aspects are flawless reflects our dedication to your overall satisfaction and the success of your endeavors.
Security and Safety Measures
At Skills Academy Nepal, the safety and security of our event participants and their belongings are paramount. We have implemented a robust set of security measures to provide a safe and worry-free environment for all.
Access Control
Our facilities are equipped with controlled access points, ensuring that only authorised personnel and participants can enter the designated event areas. This control extends to registration and check-in processes, where attendees are verified to ensure they have the right credentials to access the event spaces.
CCTV Surveillance
To enhance security, we maintain 24/7 closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance throughout our premises. This system monitors common areas, entrances, and exits, deterring unauthorised access and providing a record in case of any incidents.
Security Personnel
We employ trained security personnel who are stationed at key locations to oversee the safety of our facilities. They are vigilant in ensuring the orderly conduct of events and promptly addressing any security concerns that may arise.
Emergency Preparedness
Skills Academy Nepal is equipped with comprehensive emergency response plans. In the unlikely event of an emergency, we have evacuation procedures in place, fire extinguishers, first-aid kits, and trained staff ready to respond swiftly to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.
Secure Storage
For the convenience of our clients, we provide secure storage areas where participants can store their belongings during events. These storage facilities are monitored to safeguard personal items.

By adhering to these rigorous security measures, Skills Academy Nepal aims to create a secure and comfortable environment for participants, enabling them to focus on the success of their events and educational programs with confidence in their safety and the safety of their belongings.

Additional Services

At Skills Academy Nepal, we understand that organising a successful event involves more than just providing a venue. We offer a range of additional services to make your event planning process as seamless as possible, ensuring your event is a resounding success:
Event Planning Assistance
Our experienced event coordinators are available to provide expert guidance and assistance throughout the planning process. Whether you need help with logistics, scheduling, or vendor coordination, our team is here to support you every step of the way.
Customised Decorations
To add a personal touch to your event, we offer customisable decoration options to suit your theme and preferences. From elegant corporate settings to festive celebrations, our decorators can transform our spaces to create the ambiance you desire.
Catering Services
We have partnerships with reputable catering companies to provide a diverse range of culinary options. You can choose from various menu packages, including international cuisines, and our team will ensure your guests are treated to delectable food and beverages.
Technical Support
In addition to providing state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, our technical support team is available to assist with setup, troubleshooting, and ensuring your presentations and tech requirements run smoothly.
Special Requirements
We are committed to accommodating any special requirements you may have, whether it’s specific seating arrangements, accessibility needs, or unique event features. Just let us know, and we will work to fulfill your requests.

These additional services are designed to simplify the event planning process and offer a one-stop solution for all your needs. At Skills Academy Nepal, we are dedicated to ensuring that your event is not only well-hosted but also an enjoyable and memorable experience for both organisers and attendees.

Please see below for choice of rooms and contact us today on 9881 111 888 or email us at

Please note that the following rooms are available to rent only on evenings and Saturdays. If you want to rent anytime outside this time, you must make bookings at least 3 days prior to your choice of event.


Hourly Package (max. 50 person)

Type of event Cost
Seminar NRS 2500
Workshops NRS 2000
Meeting NRS 1500
Full Class (any Course) NRS 1500
Conference NRS 2500

Daily Package (8 hours)(max. 50 people)

Type of event Cost
Seminar NRS 10000
Workshops NRS 10000
Meeting NRS 7500
Full Class (any Course) NRS 7500
Conference NRS 10000

Monthly Package

Monthly packages may vary due to scheduling factors and nature of events.

Please inquire at or 9881 111 888 for more details about monthly packages

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